Thursday, April 30, 2009

  • 8 Typography
    • What is typography? The font, style and size
  • Characteristics of Type on the Web
    • What is the difference between Aliased and Anti-Aliased Type? Aliased types translate to an audience well. Non-aliased font isn't very good.
    • What effect do inconsistent websites have on the reader? It may be harder for them to read.
  • Legibility
    • Why should you not cram a webpage with text? People could get confused easier, and lose their places.
    • What are the different ways to align text? Which is the best and the worst? Why? Use margins, they separate the main text from the surrounding text.
    • Compare and contrast line-length between printed text and computer text?
  • Typefaces
    • What typeface reads very well on paper? Times Roman
    • What typeface is a good example of a traditional typeface that has been modified for the computer? Times roman
    • Which two typefaces have been developed specificaly for the computer screen? Arial Times New Roman
    • What are four common screen fonts and what are four common print fonts? Georgia, Lucida Bright, Verdana, Tribuchet
  • Sidebar: Type Sizes for Comfortable Reading
    • What kind of type do readers like? Times new roman
    • What is "leading" and why is it important? To control type size
  • Emphasis
    • What is a good rule of thumb when working with type? Why? using one parameter at a time. To emphasis a specific thing
    • How does italic attract the eye, and when should you avoid using it?
    • How does boldface text give emphasis?
    • Why should you not use underline text on a webpage?
    • Why should you avoid using all capitals?
    • What must a reader do when reading a block of text in all capitals?
  • Sidebar: Singal to Noise Ratio
    • What does good communication do?

Friday, February 6, 2009

A website that can give you information on almost anything. Be it movies, music, books, tv shows, etc. I like to go on there to look up release dates of films, music, etc. If You hunger for information on anything. The downside is that anyone can write anything on any subject. But it does give you room to bash anyone or anything you'd like.
1. How many entries are there on wikipedia... in Dutch?
2. What happened on this day? (Click on English on homepage.)
I'm a big fan of film awards. They give you the latest in film awards news. They also give you links to other reliable sites. You can post comments on your opinions of turn outs of film awards, or even your own Oscar Predictions. If you're a movie buff, then I highly recommend this site to anyone.
1. What are the three sections of links on the right hand side?
2. Please answer the poll on the right.
I've got a lot of funny thoughts in my head. So it's nice to know there is a website where I can write anything I want... for free! Do you have funny thoughts??? If so, you should probably start a blog on blogger.
1. Post a comment on this blog.
2. Answer the poll on the right.


1. How much wood could a woodchuck chuck wood, if a woodchuck could Chuck Norris?
2. Who would win in a fight? The Joker, or Superman?
3. If you could choose between stuck on a magic island, or a dead end job in a quirky office?

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Wiki Blog

ATOMIC LEARNING VIDEO QUESTION: When was the first wiki created, and by whom? What was the first wiki web site called? What wiki is probably the largest wiki? When people view a normal web site, what direction does information flow? What makes a wiki different from a web site? What two ways do people use a wiki?
1995. Ward Cummingham. WikiWikiWeb. Wikipedia. One. Many people may contribute to one article
WIKIPEDIA QUESTIONS: What do you think is interesting about wikis? What other ways could you use a wiki beyond this class?
The idea that an article isn't set in stone. If you put it on a wiki site, or on a blog.
PBWIKI EXAMPLES QUESTIONS: Vist all 7 wiki examples. In 3 complete sentences describe what you like and dislike about the example. Include a link to each wiki example.
Consultant, non profit, technology,St. Francis Community Schoo, Communications Arts and Sciences School, Epic Legends of the Hierarchs, Rebuilding the Seventh. I like the commitment that people put into these wikis. I don't like the fact that they EXIST.

Friday, January 30, 2009

  • QUESTIONS: What is the URL for the Computer Technology Wiki?
  • What Unit are we currently working on?
Getting Started
  • When opening a new link, how do you open it in a new window?
  • Right click on link and find open in new window, and click on it.
  • Where can you find what is required for a specific project?
  • Do you have any questions about the Wiki? Is something about it unclear?
  • No to both.